


Who has the most surprising and least common path to UX Research? Me! I’ve been a civil engineer, Spanish interpreter, first grade teacher, and education researcher. I’ve solo-biked across Mexico and lived abroad in Colombia.

But so what?

From these disparate experiences and career changes, I developed my superpower: fearless curiosity.

What does it mean to be a fearlessly curious UX Researcher?

🦹 As a UXR superhero, my approach is to to be fundamentally problem-driven - or (continuing the superhero metaphor) to harness the forces of uncertainty for good!

A problem-driven approach begins by asking:

Who are the stakeholders, and what do they need to know?

How will the results of the research be used?

What do we know already about this problem?

When do we need to know the outcome?

The tools and methodology are secondary to a deep understanding of the problem.

🧑‍🏫 As an educator at my core, I am also passionate about the mission-driven approach necessary to build a UX culture: evangelism of UX research and continuous engagement with diverse stakeholders.

Check out my articles and follow me on Medium.


Let's chat!

  • Email me at drewlong.ux@gmail.com.
  • Find me on LinkedIn.
  • Check out my resume.

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